P A R A  L L E L  M E D I A   –   Barbara Doser  |  Hofstetter Kurt   tense_intense    back 

E X H I B I T I O N   T O U R

main hall 1    main hall 2    main hall 3
salette    project room
    showcases entrance area 

Hofstetter Kurt
Singular II
, 2020
Acrylic print on PVC, 422 x 200 cm

It is about an endless network of nodes i.e. line-intersections, generated with a figure of an equilateral and an isosceles triangle. At the heart of this network lies a singularity, consisting of six line-intersections equidistant from one another and from a central point. Around this singularity, nodes are arranged in irregular orbits to infinity. The orbits become more and more regular the further they expand into infinity. Only at infinity do they return to the original shape, forming a regular hexagon with equal distances from the centre. In essence, this network of nodes originates from a singularity and loops back into it when extended to infinity.

Singular II,
                                    2020 by Hofstetter Kurt

Singular II by Hofstetter Kurt

Hofstetter Kurt
Orbit One Open
, 2020
Metal sculpture, 150 x 140 x 27 cm

Stainless steel hemispherical bowls are positioned along the first orbit, also known as Orbit One, surrounding the singularity of Singular II which is not materialised. The singularity cannot be seen, similar to what occurs in a black hole, where the singularity becomes impossible to observe.
The bowls open towards the second orbit.

Orbit One
                                  Open, 2020 by Hofstetter Kurt

Orbit One Open, 2020 by Hofstetter

Hofstetter Kurt
N.I.C. – nature is cool – Miniature
, 2010
Metal sculpture, 88 x 37,5 x 30 cm

This kinetic miniature of a permanent sculpture in Vienna's public space offers the perception of the simultaneity of instability and stability. The proportion of the golden ratio or phi appears in an ecstatic multiplicity; the artwork originates from Hofstetter Kurt's first compass only-construction of the golden ratio (2002).

N.I.C. – nature is cool –
                                Miniature, 2010 by Hofstetter Kurt

N.I.C. – nature is cool – Miniature, 2010
                          by Hofstetter Kurt

Parallel Media – Barbara Doser | Hofstetter Kurt 2023