P A R A  L L E L  M E D I A   –   Barbara Doser  |  Hofstetter Kurt   tense_intense    back 

E X H I B I T I O N   T O U R

main hall 1    main hall 2    main hall 3
salette    project room
    showcases entrance area 

Barbara Doser
Three Graces, grazie tante, 2018
Video projection, 265 x 200 cm

Abstract light patterns interact with three female bodies that continuously veil and unveil themselves. These light patterns not only appear to wrap around the bodies, but the bodies also absorb them.
The Three Graces, a motif that has been known since ancient times, symbolize feminine ideals such as grace, charm, beauty, joy, and cheerfulness. Unlike biological sex characteristics, these socio-cultural gender traits (visualized as light patterns) are transmitted and learned through socialization to serve stereotypes of the bipolar gender system of a patriarchally dominated society.

Exhibition view
                                              tense_intense - art works
                                              by Barbara Doser 

                                                          Graces, grazie
                                                          tante, 2018 by
                                                          Barbara Doser

Barbara Doser
Gender Patterns, 2021
Acrylic prints on canvas, 100 x 75 cm
Bodies are written on with a mesh made of light. These are not ethnic body modifications as a central aspect of cultural identity. They are irreversible, inward penetrating patterns of socio-cultural origin.

                                                  Patterns, 2021 by
                                                  Barbara Doser

Gender Patterns, 2021
                                              by Barbara Doser

Gender Patterns, 2021 by
                                    Barbara Doser

Gender Patterns, 2021 by Barbara

Gender Patterns, 2021 by Barbara

Parallel Media – Barbara Doser | Hofstetter Kurt 2023