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T H E   I N S T A L L A T I O N   A N D   T E R C E I R A  |  A Z O R E S   I N   P A R A L L E L S 
the University of the Azores, Campus de Angra, Terra-Chã, Terceira,
Computing Building
the sun
on the roof, the Sunpendulum
Time-Eye of the Azores 
in the quickly changing sky over Terceira, one of the nine islands of the Azores archipelago
Angra do Heroismo, the capital of Terceira, was one of the most important European ports for transcontinental navigation, today a World Heritage site
Prof. Eduardo M. V. de Brito de Azevedo, coordinator of the Time-Eye installation on the Azores and Hofstetter Kurt 
being of volcanic origin, the countryside displays shades of green, brown and black
looking for the best position for the Time-Eye
shades of green  dominate - tempered by an Atlantic climate with a relative humidity of 79 %
divided up into squares lined with dry-stone walls
up to the loft 
thousands of "lucky cows" graze in this beautiful landscape
checking where the computer and video cables can be laid
the colonisation of Terceira (the third island of nine to be discovered by Portuguese mariners) was begun in 1450
up to the roof looking for the perfect position
the position has been found
typical chimneys
it´s important
that all time-eyes
are directed
exactly to the east
the position of the
Time-Eye on the roof
according to the
Golden Mean
seen in the neighbourhood
ready to start
detail of the very large sculpture extending through the island
mounting the bracket of the camera
a sculpture, isn´t it?
structures like the network of stone walls running through the landscape of the island
mounting the camera
found on the floor of the University building
running the video- and power cables
from the camera to the Time-Eye's computer system
Dr. Christoph Traxler, Vienna University of Technology, installing the Sunpendulum Software and connecting the Time-Eye's computer system
to the Internet
seen on the
University campus
Gil Serpa (left) and Noé Branco (right) - operators of the University Informatik Center - together with Prof. Eduardo de Brito de Azevedo watching the moving picture on the running Sunpendulum system

... and the ever changing weather, every ten minutes
fascinating to watch the changing light and colours of the sky and the landscape
the iris of the Time-Eye cleaned and ready to work
 the fine and final adjustment of the Time-Eye
the Time-Eye of the Azores is installed, capturing the sunlight from the sky over the University campus of Angra
millions of hortensias line the streets and  stone walls everywhere
a new landmark in
Angra do Heroismo, Terceira
the Sunpendulum press conference at the University of the Azores, Campus de Angra / Terceira
Prof. Eduardo M. V. de Brito de Azevedo, coordinator of the Time-Eye installation on the Azores, opening the press conference
José Estevam da Silveira Matos, Vice Rector
Dr. Dietmar Fellner, Austrian Trade Delegate in Portugal, came from Lisbon, to support Hofstetter Kurt´s art project in public
Alfredo Emilio Silveira de Borba, Director of the University of the Azores - Campus of Angra
Hofstetter Kurt talking about the great collaboration with the University of the Azores
Dr.Christoph Traxler, representative of the Institute of Computergraphics and Algorithms / Vienna University of Technology, answering questions about the Sunpendulum Software
media present 

1 national TV station,

2 radio stations
a sculpture in the neighbourhood
and newspaper journalists 
José Estevam da Silveira Matos, Vice Rector, and Hofstetter Kurt after the Press Conference seen on the beach at Praia da Victoria
 signing the Sunpendulum Collaboration Agreement
the waves had separated black sand from the lighter one
Christoph Traxler 
and Hofstetter Kurt
reflecting on the installation process
marks of a special relationship to the catholic holy ghost
Hofstetter Kurt is very happy to have the seventh Time-Eye installed on Terceira / Azores
light and shade in parallels
the Sunpendulum team of
the Azores
Barbara Doser Hofstetter Kurt Christoph Traxler
many thanks for the great collaboration to the staff of the University of the Azores / Terceira the impressions will ever last
