"In Nome - Alaska / USA
and Vienna / Austria, exactly
12 hours apart, videocameras are directed towards the sky and connected
to the Satellite network. Two videocameras – time-eyes – watch the sky
parallels. The images from both time-eyes are constantly sent to a
where a central circular field of one sky is superimposed on the other.
With the rotation of the earth, that means over time, the light of the
sky in the inner circle is changing complementary to the light of the
surrounding it, 12 hours distant. Two moons circulate around this field
and their position shows the local time, simultaneously correct for
time zones" (Hofstetter Kurt, 1993).
/ this C light pendulum project was not realized because of financial utopia for a permanent installation / all rights reserved (c) Hofstetter Kurt, Vienna 1993 |