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T H E   I N S T A L L A T I O N   A N D   E N S E N A D A    I N   P A R A L L E L S 
the campus of the University of Baja California in Ensenada (UABC) located at the Pacific Ocean
on the roof of the Faculty of Engineering the Sunpendulum
Time-Eye of Ensenada
M.C. José de Jesus Zamarripa Topete, director of the Faculty of Engineering and UABC coordinator of the Sunpendulum project, talking to Hofstetter Kurt
first impressions
the coastline to Ensenada, just a one hour drive from the US-Californian border
up to the roof
looking for the perfect position
 checking the direction to the east with the compas
the old lighthouse
measuring the front wall of the building
it is not uncommon to find a lot of ready-mades in the surrounding of a Time-Eye
calculating the position of the Time-Eye on the roof according to the Golden Mean
the exact position
recording the moments in parallels
Gerardo Segura, Laboratory of Electronical Engineering, responsible for the technical installation of the Time-Eye
mounting the camera
closing the weatherproof case
the adjustment of the Time-Eye
preparing the time- eye's computer system
the white sky in the morning
soldering the cables
seen on the
UABC campus
running the video- and power cables
from the camera to the Time-Eye's computer system
busy till darkness
Tobias Gogolin adjusting a web - cam, which broadcasts the construction of a new building of the
Faculty of Engineering
the Time-Eye of Ensenada is installed, capturing  the sunlight from the sky over the University campus
another sculpture in the campus
the moving picture from the sky over Ensenada and the desert of the Californian peninsula is transmitted online via InterNet

Hofstetter Kurt is very happy and satisfied to have the sixth Time-Eye installed
a new mark in Ensenada
an international port city with fishing industry and tourism
the Sunpendulum press conference at the UABC/Ensenada
on June 21, 2000
located in the north of the Baja California Peninsula
C.P. Victor E. Beltran Corona, Rector of the University of Baja California, coming from the University's head office in Mexicali
a 1000 mile long strip of land, surrounded by the ocean and a mediteranian sea, crossed by mountains, deserts, sierras and costal lagoons
M.C. José de Jesus Zamaripa Topete, director of the Faculty of Engineering and UABC coordinator of the Time-Eye
Hofstetter Kurt presenting his international media art project Sunpendulum
Hofstetter Kurt presented the Rector an art work, his "vision of the Sunpendulum";
in the middle: Alberto Limón Rojas, Austrian Honorary Consul of Baja California
Ingeniero Martinez Sabadeni, representative of the UABC, moderating the pressconference
Lic. Hans Jörg Hörtnagl,
representative of the Austrian National Tourist Office - Mexico, coming from 
Mexico City
 a short scientific talk about the sunpendulum
software by Dr. Christoph Traxler, Vienna University of Technology; right: M.C. Humberto Cervantes De Avila / UABC
Hofstetter Kurt talking with Santiago Alvarez, Laboratory of Electronical Engineering, UABC, about the successful Time-eye installation
spectacle in the west 
Sunpendulum - team of Ensenada:
Hofstetter Kurt Barbara Doser Christoph Traxler
many thanks for the great collaboration to the staff of the University of Baja California, Ensenada the impressions will ever last
