LCLogo Barbara Doser / Hofstetter Kurt

  c o n t a c t
. . E U R O P E A N . . C U L T U R A L . . M O N T H . . L J U B L J A N A . . 1 9 9 7 . . 
May 16, 1997 
Tivoli Castle Park
Luminers Call
1 0 : 0 0 p m 

virtual creatures of light, 
are called on. 

1 0 : 4 2 p m 

As lips of a human like mouth 
they begin to act each in a 
monitor and via loudspeakers.
Their increasing rhytmic vibrations with the evolving sounds cause energy. 

Luminers Call
1 0 : 4 9 p m 

Pulsating sounding lights and luminous forms appear (video-beam-projection). 

Luminers Call

1 1 : 0 5 p m 

The lights disappear. Silent LUMINERS close the performance.